hey you guys and welcome back to my
channel so we are going to be jumping
right into this video pretty much I am
going to be taking this mat and I’m
covering the furnitures to make sure
nothing gets any paint spills or
anything on it and I am going to start
painting the trim I’ve already done the
three on that side and I’m pretty much
moving along the entire dining room now
if I want to say it was about five
o’clock in the afternoon
when I started painting and the Sun was
coming in and I also had the lights on
in the dining room and the color looks
really really great I love the contrast
between the bright white of the wayans
clouds down below and then the final
grade up above but as the night
progressed onto the color it just seemed
really really dark so as of right now
the color is final grade but I am really
thinking about changing the color to
light you up just a hair I did not
anticipate that the Box trim was going
to be doing like adding a little bit of
shadow on the paint which then kind of
darken the color I don’t know I’m still
thinking about it cuz in the morning it
looks really really beautiful my only
dilemma is how it looks at night again I
just really wanted to give the wall kind
of like a art detail to it especially
once the mirrors kind of go over at the
box but for right now I’m just gonna go
ahead and finish painting I’ll see how
everything turns out towards the end
gins the light switch and for right now
it’s just going to be a sight for sore
eyes the only other option is for me to
paint it and I know how my kids get down
so I’m not gonna paint it to cover it so
it’s gonna be white and I thought about
painting the entire thing white but then
I wasn’t just like I wasn’t all the way
in love with it being white so I still
have to paint the top so I have to get
the ladder out the garage to paint that
side and then I still have some more
caulking that after doing if you can see
the spacing right here still have some
more caulking but for the most part it’s
painted and I’m really really loving it
I just wanted to see what it was gonna
look like like this and it looks really
being like this I think it would have
looked really great being white also I
just okay I didn’t want to I don’t know
I just didn’t wanting to do white I feel
like the window stands out a little bit
more the wainscoting down below sticks
out a bit more and once these chairs
come in its gonna be like Poppins that’s
what I wanted to do so I’m just gonna
leave it like that I think it looks
really great this is just the first coat
I’m gonna go in and do a second and when
the boys are sleeping tonight I’m gonna
go ahead and tackle the top but I’m
gonna go ahead and make them something
to eat really quickly so as I’m making
my way to the kitchen this is pretty
much what’s going on I am really really
excited for the pantry
Oh morning and Kerr looks really good
at night it just feel like it’s too dark
but in the morning I really love it so
I’m gonna sit on this color front a
little bit I don’t know if I’m gonna
change it for now but at night it just
seems a little dark but right now I’m
looking at it and I’m really loving the
color I step into the side yeah what’s
up lady okay so I’m cooking and I’m
currently in the pantry so these are the
well this one here is the sorry Gipson
knob here is the pull that’s going to be
going on the cabinet as you can see I
still have my countertops yeah I’m
waiting on them they have to be cut I’m
trying to get a really good deal on them
so I kind of have to wait only because
instead of getting a large slab I’m
waiting on the pieces already been like
pre-cut and then whatever is left over
cuz such a narrow space right here so
yeah some youth I’m trying to save money
if I don’t do that in something crazy so
I don’t have the countertops yet we’re
currently in week 3 okay by March first
you guys will see the full review at
least the first week of March I can
definitely say yes but I had to account
for all the hiccups and stuff like that
anyway moving on so these are from a
company called D Lawson hardware and as
you can see the finish on them match the
finish on the door which is really what
I wanted so this one right here is the
cabinet that’s gonna be right here so I
was thinking to do this like this right
and not have to pull and the rest would
have the pull so you would see two
handles and then the rest was gonna be
pull I just want I just wanted a little
bit of I just wanted just a small bit of
variation on there it’s not gonna go
against this line because this is the
scene where the wood meets it so I was
thinking at least like right here would
be really good but um just wanted to
kind of show you
that really quickly this is really
really good I like it hold on let me do
this real quick cuz I want you guys to
really get into the walls because they
look so good you can barely tell that
there was any damage on the water any
holes or anything and that’s why I say
it’s kind of worth taking the time out
just to kind of patch everything I
really hate seeing the most
imperfections in them if I can help it I
would like them to be like as neat as
possible and as clean as possible and
that’s why I said I wanted the guys to
come in and sand because I was just not
almost hurt and I was exhausted so I was
like let me just call them to come in
paint and stuff and I am gonna caulk so
if you’re seeing these right here I’m
gonna get the almond and kind of go
around and have everything everything’s
gonna be really really nice when you
guys finally see the reveal but I like
doing the breakdowns like this because
then you get to see the full process the
laundry room is coming together that was
painting the pantry is coming together
that’s almost well that’s painted and
then the shovels have to go up what else
oh the dining room I painted that too
hence the paint I’m taking a shower but
all of it don’t come off out when one
you know you’d be thinking you get
everything so you get out and I’m like
oh whatever
hmm I’m gonna shower tonight I’m gonna
scrub the rest off anyway hopefully you
guys enjoying and not worth today I have
an order coming from I have an order
coming from Container Store so I’m
excited to share that I got those little
totes the organization stuff when I did
the video inside of Container Store I
showed you guys that door unit for
organization I got that I need to go to
Walmart to get the little mat to go on
the shelving in the laundry room
because I don’t want potential chemicals
like falling on that paint
cuz there’s nothing really protecting it
so I need to get liners for that I need
to get I got a trash can for recycling
and regular trash one’s a little pullout
slow thermal jiggers what else did I get
I got quite a bit of stuff I just want I
just want I’m gonna laundrymat to be as
organized as possible
I want the pantry to be as organized as
possible so these small space
transformations I think they’re just
gonna be amazing just because um they’re
gonna be nice and I really want to
revamp the kids little play area
downstairs but I’m gonna leave it alone
maybe a little a lot of you guys have
been reaching out to me recently and I
don’t have a website I’m working on it I
promise y’all working on it but right
now I don’t have one so if you wanna
reach out to me you can you can reach
out to me via email I have exciting news
to share with you guys before I forget
my manager in the background showed up
oh don’t get and don’t get I guess you
guys are going to have to wait for the
surprise but everyone has left me
downstairs so now I’m getting some
personal work done pretty much trying to
finish off final drafts of a project
that I have going on and just in case
you were wondering the lamp behind me
actually gives the room a good bit of
light so I’m not working in the dark I’m
actually getting quite a bit of light
but I do want to get a test lamp but I
hope you guys enjoyed today’s video I
know I’m giving you guys a lot of
updates on the house but that is because
a lot of the things that is going on
currently in the house it’s definitely
going to take a little bit of time but
I’m definitely excited for the reveal of
everything so that is pretty much it for
today don’t forget to Like comment and
definitely subscribe